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Scrum Tool / Free Scrum Software

A free Scrum tool. This web based software is aimed at new teams finding their scrum feet. Teams that don't need the distraction of having to learn how to use overcomplicated cumbersome expensive tools when they are busy learning Scrum.
Have a look at the help page
If you already have an installation, you should download the 'application only' to update.
Licensed under the MIT License (MIT)
This archive contains minimal installations of php, Mysql and Apache and is everything you need to get up and running quickly in a Windows environment. Download, Extract, Start and Use. It I really that simple
A full install (.7z) (7.9 MB)
A full install (.zip) (21.8 MB)
To Install:

  1. download the archive.
  2. extract it to you hard drive. (anywhere you like really)
  3. browse to the extract directory.
  4. execute '_start.bat' to start apache and the database.
  5. Wait for the browser to fire up and use the application.
  6. You may need to open Apache & MySQL port access but, windows should prompt you.

It is as simple as that!

The second contains the application only (along with everything the application needs). You will need to supply the web server, Mysql database and php and configure them appropriately.
Application only (.7z) (2.6 MB)
Application only (.zip) (3.6 MB)
To update:

  1. Make sure nobody is using the tool (use _stop.bat or stop apache )
  2. Download and extract an application only archive.
  3. Optionally delete all files from the /scripts folder. (I hash filenames to make sure they are unique)
  4. Optionally delete all files from the /help folder. (the conversion to html will cause a number of redundant images to appear over time)
  5. Do not move or delete the /uploads folder!
  6. Overwrite the contents of the installation www/pa folder and all sub folders.
  7. Start things up again (use _start.bat?)
  8. Navigate to the login page to perform any database updates.
  9. Read the release notes (Help About)
  10. Update your hints

That is all there is to it.

It is worth noting that I use non standard ports for both the Apache and MySQL to reduce the possibility of conflict.
Apache uses : 8088 and
MySQL uses : 3311
simply update the configuration files to change these.

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